Been a busy simmer, as usual. Between remodelling and the usual stuff, there were a few vacations and outings crammed into our summer and fall. I'll detail a few of them below, including:


  • Our trip to the Oregon Coast
  • Our Okanogan Ghost Town road tripeverything!
  • my Blanca Lake hike
  • Other photography-related sojourns.

We took, what we planned to be, a short trip to the beach cabin at Long Beach, but ended up making a mini Oregon Coast vacation out of it, with stops in Astoria (Goonie House, the column thing), various lighthouses and Florence for a dune ride on a sand rail.

We took a sput-of-the-moment day trip to Okanogan County to explore some of the inticing-sounding ghost towns that I had read about in Gold Creeks and Ghost Towns of Northeast Washington.

I don't get a lot of time to take hikes, so I try to take the ones that I think will be the most photographically rewarding. My choice of Blanca Lake Hike payed off in a big way.

And other photography highlights include the rare lightning storm we had, the Aurora Borealis and the Long Brach Kite Festival, all photos you can see in my album.